Candle Care & Safety

Candle Care & Safety

Welcome to my first blog post and probably the most important, candle safety & candle care. Please read the candle instruction list below. I know, blah, blah, blah, right? Wrong! These candle directions are not only about safety. Rules #3 & #4 provide important information on how to care for your candle so that you get the greatest life out of it.

#1 Supervise: Never leave a burning candle unattended, especially if there are children or pets around. Always extinguish candles before leaving the room or going to sleep.

#2 Trim the Wick: Before lighting your candle for the first time, trim a cotton wick to about 1/4 inch in length. Trim a wood wick between 1/8"-1/4". Trim the wick each time before lighting thereafter to prevent excessive smoking and to ensure an even burn.

#3 First Burn: When lighting your soy candle for the first time, allow it to burn until the wax melts evenly across the surface, creating a "full melt pool." This typically takes about 2-4 hours. This prevents "tunneling," where the candle only burns down the center, leaving wax along the sides.

#4 Subsequent Burns: To ensure an even burn and prevent tunneling, allow your soy candle to burn for at least 2-3 hours each time you light it, or until the melt pool reaches the edges of the container. This helps to maximize the fragrance throw and overall burn time.

#5 Keep the Wax Pool Clean: Always remove any debris such as wick trimmings or match remnants from the wax pool to prevent the candle from smoking or causing uneven burning.

#6 Avoid Drafts: Keep your soy candle away from drafts, as they can cause uneven burning, smoking, and may even extinguish the flame prematurely.

#7 Heat-Resistant: Choose surfaces that can withstand heat without being damaged or scorched. Examples include metal, ceramic, or stone surfaces.

#8 Extinguish Safely: Use a snuffer or gently blow out the flame to extinguish your soy candle instead of blowing it out. This helps to prevent hot wax from splattering.

#9 Refrain from Burning for Extended Periods: Avoid burning your soy candle for more than 4 hours at a time. Extinguish the flame, allow the candle to cool, trim the wick if necessary, and then relight.

#10 Store Properly: When not in use, store your soy candle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality and fragrance.

    Happy Sniffing,


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